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The air conditioning system is not maintenance-free and needs to be regularly cleaned and disinfected. Currently, the vehicle's ventilation and air conditioning system can become an area for the transmission of the coronavirus. Research shows that the COVID-19 virus and similar viruses and bacteria can survive on different surfaces for up to 80 hours. One method of disinfection is Ozonation. Ozone, or "active oxygen," is a gas that reaches even the most challenging places inside the vehicle and air conditioning system. Ozone has strong disinfecting properties, eliminating unpleasant odors and, most importantly, fungi, bacteria, and viruses. We offer two models: the Ozonator M-MX Pro and Ozonator M-MX4000, with capacities of 15,000 and 5,000 mg/h, respectively.
The Ozon M-MX-4000 device ionizes atmospheric air to produce an unstable allotrope of oxygen, namely ozone (O3). Ozone, as a very strong oxidizer, removes all contaminants found in the cabin. It effectively eliminates moisture mainly accumulating on floor coverings and the air conditioning evaporator. It also removes unpleasant odors, as well as fungi, bacteria, and viruses that may pose a health threat. Due to its high efficiency of over 4000 to 5000 mg/h, the device is excellent for buses and larger vehicle cabins, as well as allowing for faster disinfection of smaller vehicle cabins. Ozone (O3) is found in atmospheric air, where it forms from oxygen under ultraviolet radiation. Ozone is heavier than air, unstable, and decomposes quickly. Increased temperature, humidity, and air pollutants accelerate its decomposition. In water, ozone breaks down faster than in air. In its gas form, it is colorless, in thicker layers it is blue, in liquid form it is intensely dark blue, and in solid-state nearly black. Ozone is a very strong oxidizing agent, much stronger than oxygen. The ozonator is made of stainless steel to prevent corrosion, with a high-performance quartz ozone cell installed inside, with a lifespan of at least 8000 hours, equivalent to several years of use and approximately 15,000 disinfections.
As of 1st July 2024, ozone has been registered in the EU as an active substance (EU Regulation 2023/1078). Each introduction of a product generating ozone into the market requires authorization. The Ozon M-MX ozonator has been registered as a biocidal product, meaning that a mechanic or other end user can legally generate ozone with its help. Marelli protects both current users of its products and those who have already purchased the device. Generating ozone with uncertified devices can expose the end user to severe penalties from sanitary inspectors or the Regional Inspectorate of Environmental Protection and result in the mandatory withdrawal of the device from circulation.
Technical Data:
- Dimensions: 300 x 200 x 170 mm
- Ozone generator output: 4000 - 5000 mg/h
- Internal pump capacity: 10 - 15 l/min
- Programmable timer settings: 1 - 60 min
- Pressure generated by the pump: 17 Kpa
- Operating environment: indoors in well-ventilated areas without gases causing corrosion
- Atmospheric working conditions: 100±4 Kpa
- Operating temperature range: 5 - 40°C
- Relative working humidity: 80%
- Ozone generation method: corona discharge in a quartz ozone cell
- Outlet pipe diameter: 8mm
Power Supply: AC 220-240V 50Hz